This little boy's entire left side was paralyzed.
Since then, I have been watching Will's left side like a an insane hawk.
Every kick, every punch, every push and wiggle...was that his right side or his left? Right.......breathe, swallow, wait, pray... Right... Left!! Right... Right... Left!!!!!
I am so thrilled to testify to the Lord's goodness in saying that both of Will's little arms and legs and eyes and ears are working equally well.
I can still hear our neurologist's words ringing in my ears... "In the spectrum of strokes, your son has had two, LARGE ones. He's suffered a very significant injury."
Every left-handed punch, and every left-footed kick, and every left-eyed squint is a miracle. We are seeing a lot of miracles these days.
The Lord is so, so good to us.
you should post Naomi's video of him rolling all over the place like a mad man. :) he's quite good at rolling. :)