Friday, May 26, 2017

Obey the Rainy Day

Will is going through a not-listening phase.  I'm fully convinced his ears are absolutely immune to my voice.  I can yell at the top of my lungs, whisper close to his ear, get down on my knees so my eyes are at his level - no response.  Not even a flinch.

He must be absolutely brain dead.  Completely deaf.  There ARE words coming out of my mouth right?!  Surely his ear infection did not do THIS much damage.

Please just listen.  Please just obey.

We just finished a long stretch of spring rain.  Dreary gray clouds and streaky wet windows for days and days and days.  It was absolute drudgery trying to be productive and efficient on those long and sleepy days.  Despite coffee and organized to-do lists and pep talks and all my greatest motivational tricks, I swear I got nothing done for two whole weeks.  Not even a smidge of work.  I may as well have been brain dead.

And then, on the very last day of rain, it dawned on me.  Those rainy days were mamas - trying to get through to me, trying to get me to pay attention.

Please just listen.  Please just obey.

Every blessed pitterpat on my roof saying, "Listen up!  SLOW DOWN.  Read a book.  Find a blanket."  Every dreary cloud trying its darnedest to lull me to sleep - to take one of those glorious, heavy, indulgent sorts of naps right in the middle of the day.  The deeper-than-you-think puddles in the grocery store parking lot reminding my toes it was NOT the time to be running errands, bustling around town like a mad woman.  "Go home.  Make some tea.  Put on your sweatpants.  TAKE A NAP."

Rainy days should be obeyed.  They really should be listened to.

So should moms.
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