Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Wedding Weekend

This weekend, Mark and I were at some friends' wedding in Pierre, SD. Some highlights include...
  • A trip to the South Dakota state capitol building - the Christmas decorations were way pretty.
  • Reading lots more of "Adam" by Ted Dekker.
  • Getting to know Mark's college buddies better - they are crazy funny, quality Christian guys.
  • Good food! I heart garlic mashed potatoes and cocoa with lots of marshmallows & whip cream.
Congrats to TJ & Lindsey! It was a warm, cozy and beautiful wedding.

The wedding party had their pictures taken at the state capitol building. Mark and his friend, Chad, were just ushers, so we decided to go to the capitol to look at the Christmas lights and stalk the wedding party, just for fun. Here are Mark & Chad posing for their own photo shoot. :)

Here is our table at the wedding with the groom, TJ.

A DeYounge Christmas picture! Yeah! Do you see my cool gold poinsettia pin? I was pumped to have a place to finally wear it! I'm pretty sure I got it from my sister, Micah, who got it from Goodwill somewhere.

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